181 over 102

AJ Wood
5 min readNov 28, 2021

I think they call that high blood pressure

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Yes, 181/102 was yesterday’s blood pressure reading. Actually, it was down a bit from last week when the top number was 200-something. And how did I find out I was on the verge of dropping dead at any minute?

Last week (Tuesday was it?) I got a fever. And it captured my full attention. See, I don’t get fevers. This one was maybe the fifth I’ve had in my entire life. I remember my kids coming home from school with the virus du jour, and their illness was usually accompanied by a high fever. They’d fuss and fret in front of the TV for a couple days, then they were back outside playing as if nothing had happened. Me? I got the same bug and dragged around for a month with all the other symptoms, but I never got a fever. That’s when I learned that fevers are actually good things. They cook the viruses right out of you.

But while Tuesday’s fever piqued my curiosity, the pelvic pain really worried me, and that dizzy feeling that triggered memories of the year from hell. Yes, I got a UTI on top of everything else that year (which, because of the neglect, progressed to a kidney infection). I figured a fever required medical attention, so I caught an Uber to Instacare. Or is that the Walk-In Clinic? Or Same Day? Or Urgent Care? Every health care organization has a different name for those clinics, and I can never keep track of what to…



AJ Wood

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